
Bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance
Bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance

bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance

I can only hope to be half the performer/dancer that she is. She is like liquid on a pole, every transition is seamless and effortless. To be honest the only other person that I've seen that has that effect on me is Felix Cane. Bobbi's shows are captivaing, and she has that presence about her when she's on stage that makes it impossible to take your eyes off her. I'm going to say right there that she's wrong, her shows are always mind blowing, maybe not in the way that watching someone like Cleo, Jenyne Butterfly or Chelle Hafner bust out insane tricks that leave your mind wondering if they're actually human beings. I can create the foundations and I can develop a showgirl, but I can’t necessarily do the most mind-blowing performance that you’ve ever seen.’ I don’t train enough to do that, cos that’s not what I want to do.

bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance

So when people are like, ‘Do a show!” I’m like, ‘Alright well I’m not really what you think. In the Interview (link below) Bobbi says: Then there is watching her dance, she is one of the most fluid dancers ever, half the time watching her you could forget that the pole was there, it's incredible. I have a few favourites from the past few years, at this point nothing beats the Pole Grooves Routine (that later became a Prep Advanced Routine) we did to Foolin by Def Leppard. There is nothing better than dancing a routine that has been choreographed by Bobbi, whether it be a class routine, pole grooves, whatever. I was talking to Porsche just the other day and she was saying that while you know how awesome Bobbi is, when you have her as a teacher, you remember just how awesome she actually is. In the last year and a bit Bobbi has been back teaching on and off and I've enrolled in her advanced classes and pole grooves workshops whenever I can, my parents even paid for me to have a private lesson with her for my birthday a couple of years ago!! She is an amazing teacher, not only is she encouraging, but she explains things so well. I made it through class and I learnt so much, Bobbi was so encouraging and lovely, I didn't have any reason to be worried at all. What if I was crap, what if I fell, what if I couldn't do anything of the routine, what if I was SO bad that she told me that I should quit pole dancing cause it wasn't for me! I sat in the corner of the class before hand as quiet as a mouse, which for me is a rare occurrence, a clear indicator that I was nervous. I was so excited and on the day, well it would be an understatement to say I was shitting my pants. My First Class with Bobbi - Fast forward a bit, I was finally in Prep Advanced and Bobbi had announced she was holding a Advanced Pole Grooves Workshop for Prep and Advanced. The first time I ever talked to her I may or may not have been drunk, nothing like a few glasses of champagne to give you some courage. Now, I'm going to admit, that after this I had a bit of a pole crush on Bobbi, to the point, where if I ever saw her in the studio I would hide behind who ever was near me and pray to god that she didn't see me, let alone see me dance. I can't remember what exactly it was she did, but she just oozed sex appeal, watching her was mesmerising. it was seriously the most incredible thing I'd ever seen. After all the girls had performed Bobbi, did a show, OH. On Week 8 they performed their own choreographed show and lucky me was invited by my friend Silla Black, who was in the class, to come and watch.

#Bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance how to#

I can't remember what year it was, but it was a few years back Bobbi ran a Show Girl Class, for girls looking to learn how to put together shows etc.

bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance

The first time I ever saw Bobbi perform was in the Opening for Miss Pole Dance Australia 08/09, but nothing beats seeing her dance in a more intimate environment. Now this may sound a little weird, but for a while I used to refer to her as the unicorn of pole, a mythical being that you only ever heard about and saw photos of, but rarely would you catch a glimpse of her in real life (well for me, at this stage anyway) I knew there was a Bobbi, I'd seen photos, I think I may have even had a DVD by this stage, but I'd never seen her in the flesh. Before I go any further I should explain, when this happened I was in Intermediate One, and didn't spend quite as much time at the studio as I do now.

Bobbi pole studio singapore miss pole dance